Learn Some Skilz

Whether you like it or not, we are all evolving. Some are doing this faster while some are slower to change and transform. As a collective, we are also evolving and becoming more of who we need to be as a species. In our next phase of development, we will become more individualized and sovereign. Read more...

The Ultimate Fear

When my dad went to Vietnam in 1967, he took out a one million dollar insurance policy in case he didn't make it home. I was 4 years old. From that moment, I can remember our family talking about death and dying. As we grew in years and understanding, death and what we wanted to happen to our body was regular dinner conversation. It wasn't brought up every night, but enough times that we knew we could bring it up and it would not seem strange. I thought everyone did this. Read more...

Questioning Reality

Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer star in the 1944 film, Gaslight. Watch the trailer at the link to get a feel for the movie that inspired the term. The American Psychological Association defines gaslighting as "manipulation so extreme as to induce mental illness." It is now defined as to "make someone question their reality."

The Three Hour Tour- Part Two

Saul Pender staggered to the rail as the storm-tossed passengers slowly got to their feet to join the others looking over the starboard side. "Where were they & what happened?" was the question on each person's mind. "Daisha, check on the passengers while I send a message on the radio," Darren requested as he looked at the bedraggled-looking people on the deck before getting to the helm.

Change is a’Comin’

"While living in South Florida, Dad's family lived in relative luxury compared to many in the (early)1970s. They had an automatic indoor washer, an indoor toilet, a small cottage they rented out in the back yard, and the convenience of town living. Here (an East Tennessee 10 acre farm, mid-70s), there was no indoor toilet for nearly a year and limited bathing facilities, no insulation in the attic or walls with only an oil furnace for the cold Tennessee winters, and an outdoor wringer washer with no access to hot water...

Now Available!

Order Now for $9.99 Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.

The Three-Hour Tour: Part One

"Come on, Daisha! Why won't you marry me?" begs Darren as they pull away from the dock. He waited until they were going out to sea to bring up the subject. Daisha was known to walk away from personal confrontations in the past. He was taking no chances.